6 Winter Skincare Hacks To Keep Your Skin Looking Amazing


Happy Saturday everyone! I hope you're all doing well and have fun plans for the long weekend. I'm with my roommates in Austin, Texas for a few days and it's been so fun getting to check out the city! I am happily surprised that it's been pretty warm here, which is a welcome change from New York right now. But I will have to go back and when I do I know that I'll have to keep protecting my skin from the winter weather. That's why today I'm sharing six skincare hacks to keep your skin looking the best it can during the winter months. These are things I've learned from trial and error over the years and I know that they work well for me so I hope that they help you out as well!

1. Exfoliate less

While exfoliators are great at targeting acne and making our skin look smooth, they often contain acids that can dry out your skin and strip it of some of its natural oils. Consider exfoliating every other day or twice a week if you typically find yourself reaching for it on the daily.  

2. Mask more

Face mask fans, rejoice! This is your time to break out all of your favorite masks whether you prefer under eye patches, full-face sheet masks, or creamy clay ones, your skin will thank you for the extra nutrients if the cold weather is causing your skin to act up. As if you needed another excuse to try out that face mask you’ve been thinking about. 

3. Try a face mist

If you find that your skin looks best in the winter when you first wake up and when you go to sleep, consider looking into a face mist so that you can refresh your face during the day. I love Mario Badescu’s facial spray with aloe, herbs and rosewater and Saturday Skin’s Daily Dew. 

4. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

If wind chills and bitterly cold temperatures are abundant where you live, you’ll definitely need to up your moisturizing game. As you may know from the post I wrote last year, I’m a big fan of Glossier’s moisturizers. I put the Priming Moisturizer on in the morning under my makeup and I apply the Priming Moisturizer Rich every night before bed since it has a heavier texture. 

5. Use products that target redness

One of the big problems for me in the winter is that my skin just tends to look more red overall. If you’re in the same boat, look for products that include ingredients like cucumber, rice and ginger or others that will calm your skin and work to right the redness that likes to show up in the winter months.

6. Avoid touching your face

This is something that I am insanely guilty of because the more you touch your face, the more you’re likely to transfer bacteria that can result in breakouts, redness, or other unwanted spots. Plus, with all of the winter illnesses that are likely making their way around the people you see on a daily basis, you’ll be decreasing your chances of catching anything yourself.

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Photograph above by Sarah Ratner