venezia part 2

Hello gorgeous readers!

I absolutely loved walking around Venice! The city itself is so easy-going and laid-back, two things that I almost never get to experience living in the suburbs of one of the busiest cities in the world! I love that every building you see has it's own story and it seemed that each little bridge that we walked over had it's own character. The flavor of the city is undeinably wonderful and something that I would love to experience on a day-to-day basis now that I'm back. Being abroad made me realize that it's good to slow things down every once in a while, and not everything has to be full speed ahead. So, to go along with the relaxed nature of the city, I kept my outfit simple and played up the no-heat hair (something that I definitely need to do more of).

The pictures from below are from St. George's island, a little island right off of the coast of the mainland. A group of us took a taxi over to see Tintoretto's

Last Supper

and then the taxi didn't wait for us, so we illegally hopped on a water bus back to San Marco's square (shh!!).

Outfit Details

Dress: Topshop

Shoes: BP Nordstrom

Necklaces: Free People

Bag: BP Nordstrom

Sunglasses: Free People

Scarf (on bag): Pashmina, thrifted

I could totally see myself spending a summer in Venice. My two favorite islands other than the mainland are Murano (island of glass) and Romano (island of LACE!!! one of my most favorite things in the world, if you haven't figured that out yet.) Speaking of lace, are any other fashionistas out there getting those e-mails from Mood Fabrics about the lace sale? If anyone has been let me know if it's worth it! (


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