Spring Jacket Shopping Guide

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You know what I’m going to miss the least about this seemingly endless winter? Wearing. Heavy. Coats. Don’t get me wrong, I love a fabulous winter coat—and bonus points if it looks like something Olivia Pope would wear. But when you have to rotate between your heaviest coats for a few months and are repeating the same handful of warm layers underneath those coats for the duration of winter, it can start to feel like there is absolutely zero outfit inspiration left by the time spring finally rolls around. Here’s the good news: the temperatures don’t have to feel full-on summer-y in order for you to switch out a few of those puffer jackets for lighter options, and the layering possibilities will slowly reveal themselves again once you’re working with less-bulky outerwear. So, here are some of the cutest jackets that are currently on my radar to get you through these last few weeks leading up to spring.

Photographed by Sarah Ratner | Follow Sarah on Instagram

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