How To Use Like To Know It To Shop Your Instagram Feed

Hey party people! I hope you've had a great weekend. As you may already know, I've finally launched a YouTube channel. If you'd like to watch the first video I made and get caught up as to why I've started a channel, click here

I've wanted to do a blog post about how to use the Like To Know It app for a while, but what's great about being on YouTube now is that I can explain it so much better because I'm able to film myself using the app and the information translates so much better. 

If you've never heard of Like To Know It, it's basically an app that bloggers use to tag products in their photos on Instagram so that if you want to buy something that someone is wearing in a photo, you can use Like To Know It to see links to what that blogger is wearing, if not something super similar. The whole point of this app is to make your Instagram experience easier and more shoppable, which is great because it means less work for you to track down items you may want to buy! I hope you enjoy this video and if there are any questions I didn't answer in it feel free to leave a note in the comments either here on my blog or on the video itself. Also, if you'd like to see more videos from me in the future, please be sure to subscribe to my channel!

Thanks for watching!

