Sharing My Holiday Blog Strategy

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Hi everyone! I hope your week is off to a good start and is also hopefully almost finished since as I’m sure you’re aware, Thanksgiving is in two days! I can’t wait to get home and catch up with my family and enjoy some quality food. I haven’t done a more casual, catch-up style post on my blog in a while and I just felt like popping on today to fill you guys in on some updates about what you can expect from me in the last few weeks of 2018. But seriously…where did this year go?

Things have been happily busy over the last few weeks! From taking on some copywriting work in addition to my editorial projects, to helping out at Refinery29 for a week, to going back to Barnard to speak to current students about possible career paths in fashion and media, it’s been a crazy time but I’m loving every minute of it. I don’t have any travel planned for the rest of the year which is totally fine with me because I’m excited to just spend time with family and friends in New York and New Jersey over the next few weeks and get to try out big projects that I’ve always wanted to do.

So as you probably already know, here on the blog I upload posts twice a week on Mondays and Fridays with rare exception (like today since I was waiting for the giveaway to launch) and that I upload videos to my YouTube channel every Wednesday.

Since the holidays are officially in full swing, there will be some changes that I’ve decided to make that will benefit you lovely readers much more over the next few weeks that I’m so excited to share with you. I’ve made little announcements in my weekly newsletter and on Instagram stories but I wanted to make sure you had everything in one place so that there’s no confusion about when and where you can expect to find new content from me over the next few weeks. So, here are some important dates to keep in mind:

November 23

Black Friday! I’ll have a whole blog post up on Friday about the best sales and where to shop all weekend, including Cyber Weekend deals that you won’t want to miss.

November 26-December 5

Gift Guides! The exact posting dates haven’t been scheduled yet but there will be five gift guides going up between next Monday and the first Wednesday of December. I won’t reveal the topics just yet but you can find them under the holiday section at the top of my blog when they go live. I hope that these help give you some ideas for your holiday shopping. One thing I can tell you is that every item on every gift guide will be under $50 so you can definitely find something in your budget for your friends and family.

December 1-24

VLOGMAS! It’s my first year officially participating in Vlogmas and I am so excited about this. In case you’re not familiar, Vlogmas happens over on YouTube and it means that I’ll be uploading a new video every day for 24 days leading up to Christmas. Some of it will be pre-filmed and some of it will be vlog style and I can’t wait to push myself to create some awesome content and share more of my life with you all. Make sure you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss anything.

December 12, 19, and 26

The only other days of December that you can expect to find new blog posts on here. Since I’ll be producing so many videos, I already know I won’t be able to handle the usual two posts a week so I’ll share new blog posts every Wednesday of December.

December 26-January 1

Radio silence, likely. I’ll be taking some time off after Vlogmas and holiday madness to recover, refresh, and think about what I want to create in 2019!

As I’ve mentioned a little bit on my Instagram stories, I’ve been considering switching my content calendar in 2019 and would love to hear what you all think about me doing two videos a week and one blog post.

When I was working as a magazine editor, there were so many parts of my job that didn’t involve writing, which was by far my favorite thing to do—coordinating shoot deadlines, dealing with freelancer invoices, managing interns, and other more administrative stuff—that whenever I got to write it was always a treat and when I wasn’t writing for those magazines, I’d come home and write for my blog. Now that I’m doing much more writing than editing, I feel myself getting a little burned out to sit down and actually put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard?) all day for so many different publications with different voices.

When I first launched my YouTube channel, I had absolutely no clue what I was doing. I didn’t really know what kind of videos I wanted to make, or what I thought I could actually use it to do, but it’s definitely become my favorite social media platform in the last few weeks (sorry Instagram, you’ve been causing me more stress than happiness lately) and I feel like I can really do a lot with YouTube if I give myself the time to focus on it. So let me know in the comments how you feel about two videos a week and one blog post.

I also wanted to share something that I heard on Julie Solomon’s The Influencer Podcast the other week where she was talking about being on a content hamster wheel. She said that you should spend 20% of your time creating content and 80% of your time marketing it. I think this is something I’ll have to keep in mind for 2019 because I would definitely rather give you guys one awesome blog post each week than two okay ones. Right now I’m just feeling a little more inspired over on YouTube (I know, the pivot to video!) so I want to follow my gut and see what happens. Or maybe after Vlogmas I’ll be sick of it. But either way, please give me your feedback!

Photographs by Laurel Creative Team | Follow the Laurel Creative Team on Instagram

Do you have a holiday blog strategy or any holiday-specific content coming up? Leave me a link in the comments and I’ll be sure to check it out!

