
Hello all! 

I am in the homestretch of my time at home. It's so weird to think I'll be all packed up and headed to college in just 5 short days. The past few weeks have been filled with seeing friends, late nights, mosquito bites, dinners, parties, and just plain fun. I am so happy and thankful that I got this summer to just be free and have time to do things like sleep over at a different friend's house every night for a week or start a fashion blog initially just to see a different layout and suddenly have an international audience with readers everywhere from next door, to Russia, Italy, Hong Kong, Germany and the UK. Basically, it's been a wild couple of weeks and I'm so grateful for the memories made and the beginning of college! 

Outfit Details:

Top: Urban Outfitters

Pants: Forever 21

Necklace: So Good

Shoes: Sam Edelman


As an extra part of today's post, I've gotten a request to break down exactly what it is I do all day. What kinds of things does  a blogger do on a day-to-day basis? Remember, this is during the summer when I have time to be running around thinking about fashion 24/7. But this is a day in the life of a summer fashion blogger. 

9:29am Roll out of bed and convince mom to go get iced coffee and a flagel from David's while I skim the fashion headlines on

10:02am Get dressed!!

10:35am Blog photo shoot

11:25am I have a meeting with a designer who wants to review my sketches and turn one of them into a sample! If the sample turns out the way we want, we're going to make more and sell them in her store! More about this later.

12:00pm Off to work at the boutique!

5:00pm After work stop by Cat's house for a chat

6:45pm While mom's making omlets for dinner, I edit and post the photos from the shoot earlier today.

8:10pm Swing by the bookstore and pick up the September issues of Harpers Bazaar, Vogue,  and People Style Watch.

9:00pm Turn on pretty little liars and see what they're wearing!!!

10:30pm Go through my google reader feed. I am subscribed to all my favorite blogs and I flesh out my favorite pictures to add to my tumblr inspiration blog (

12:00pm Lights out!

And there you have it! Until next time,

Keep Calm and Chiffon 

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