The Official Launch of

I will never forget how exhilarating it was when I first shared Keep Calm and Chiffon with the world. Sure, maybe only a few people were reading it then (hi, mom!) but I didn’t care. To have my own space on the internet felt oddly important back in 2012 and it still feels that way now. But since I’ve been freelance, I’ve taken on assignments that go beyond my normal fashion and beauty writing and blogging as I detailed in this post about the rise of slashies, and I wanted a place that felt like a professional home to display all of that and attract new clients who might want to work with me. And thus, was born.

Here’s what you can now find on my new site:

My writing portfolio

You can now find my complete writing portfolio over my my website! I originally had it here but I think it makes more sense over on the other site. If you click on the portfolio button at the bottom of the page, you’ll be re-directed to the new site.

My copywriting client list

I have loved the copywriting I’ve been able to do in the last six months and I’m happy to finally have a place to talk about the kind of work I can do in that field.

A press page

I love sharing my opinions on the fashion and beauty industries and I wanted to showcase pieces I’ve been interviewed for as well as features written about me somewhere that all relevant press info would be easy to find.

A list of services I offer

In case you didn’t know, there are a LOT of things you can hire me for. Did you know I do vertical video editing for Instagram? Seriously. I’m here to help make your life easier, so head over to my services page to see how I can help you!

An about page with testimonials

You’d never buy a book without reading the reviews, right? That’s where my about and testimonials page comes in! I reached out to editors, brand partners, CEO’s and others who I’ve worked with and asked them to provide a few words about

My new career newsletter

This is probably the part of the website that I am most excited about! Every Wednesday I’ll be popping into your inbox with a career newsletter where I’ll dish out advice on the #FreelanceLife as well as tips for small business owners to help you grow and scale.

Thank you all for your support! I can’t wait to hear what you think of the new website.

