6 Beauty Products I'm Loving Right Now

Hey all! We made it halfway through the week! The other day I was cleaning my room and I realized that my makeup area has practically doubled in size because it has been taken over by so many beauty products! We have so many choices when it comes to skincare, makeup, and hair care that sometimes it can be so overwhelming to look at all of them, especially when you get to the point where you can't find what you're looking for. I wanted to share six products that I've been using a lot lately that aren't your typical beauty products. All of these are pretty new to my routine since a few of them have just been released but I've been really enjoying them. I've linked the products throughout the post and if you'd like to shop this post, just scroll down to the bottom.

1. Glossier Invisible Shield Sunscreen

In my mind as a brand, Glossier is the master of the new product reveal. Remember how hyped everyone was when Cloud Paint was unveiled? It's the same thing here. The new Invisible Shield Sunscreen was marketed alongside this phrase: "Every single day." Glossier links this new product to its skincare basics, reminding its customers that sunscreen should always be a part of your makeup routine. The sunscreen is super smooth and goes on clear, making its presence in my makeup bag a no-brainer.  

2 + 3. Milk Makeup Matcha Cleanser + Toner

Milk Makeup and Glossier definitely appeal to the same audience, which is why I was excited to try this duo. The fact that they involve matcha is just a bonus. Start out with the cleanser, which will get rid of toxins in your skin, rinse, and follow up with the toner that aims to revitalize your skin and leave it feeling refreshed. In my experience, these two work best together—the cleanser alone had my face feeling almost lizard-like (weird, but you get what I mean) but the toner makes it feel alive again, so I'd definitely recommend investing in both.

4. Frederic Fekkai Shea Butter Hair Mask

A hair mask is something I really haven't tried before! I took to Instagram stories to ask for recommendations and my friend Izzy told me about this one. This mask is super fast (3-5 minutes) and you just have to rinse it off when you're done. My hair felt super silky after I did it, and I plan on using it about once a week to keep my hair healthy and shiny. 

5. Mario Badescu Facial Spray

You know how around midday your face can start to feel tired? A colleague recommended this facial spray by Mario Badescu to me and now it sits on my desk and is perfect for a midday spritz. It also smells amazing with hints of herbs and rosewater and is only $7.

6. Bite Beauty Prismatic Pearl Creme Lip Gloss

I'll be honest, lip gloss just isn't my thing. More often than not I manage to smear it when I wear it and not in a cute I-made-out-with-someone-at-my-locker kind of way. This lip gloss by Bite has some serious shimmer to it and the buttery formula makes it bearable for even me.

And there you go! These are the products I've been using a lot lately and I'm glad I got the chance to share them with you all. 


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Have you tried any of these products? Let me know in the comments!

